Utah Salt Lake Temple

Utah Salt Lake Temple

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Amor Pelo Nordeste Brasileiro

Amor Pelo Nordeste Brasileiro 

O meu primeiro post em Português não poderia ser sobre algo mais especial

Quem me conhece há mais tempo, e quando digo isso me refiro a minha infância, sabe que tenho uma "longa história" de vida apesar da minha pouca idade. Hoje resolvi dividir com todos vocês uma poesia que escrevi durante um almoço que tive com minha avó semana passada. Esses versos revelam um pouco das minhas lembranças mais felizes, dos meus momentos mais particulares e das coisas que eu amo sobre o meu passado, minha história, minha família e sobre mim.

Terra do Caju

Bebendo suco de caju
na casa da minha avó.
Suco feito da fruta
da minha querida Mossoró.
Sabor que trava na língua
mas adoça o paladar.
Fruta linda e colorida
que eu trouxe pro Ceará.

Bebendo esse suco gostoso
quase que eu sinto o gosto
da minha infância feliz
no sítio do meu avô.

Homem de garra e coragem
que me ensinou a cuidar
do gado e da terra
e me ensinou a sonhar.

Do nosso pedacinho de chão
sempre vou recordar
do cajueiro gigante
onde eu amava brincar.

Caju amarelo no pé de cá.
Caju vermelho no pé de lá.

No vai e vem dessa vida
eu não posso negar
Amei Baraúna, Mossoró e o meu Ceará.
Sou nordestina.
Filha de baiana
Neta de alagoana
Vim nascer no Ceará

Em qualquer lugar do mundo,
Pra onde quer que eu vá
Trago comigo a lembrança
De onde foi o meu lugar.

Cindy Gomes​ 

Havia muito tempo que não ousava escrever... A minha inspiração estava sendo calada pela racionalidade dos meus dias, durante os últimos 3 anos. Dias preenchidos pela lógica dos números e pelas influências erradas que me cercavam por todos os lados. 

Como foi bom ouvir a voz da minha inspiração gritar de alegria, quando eu estava conversando com minha avó durante um almoço corriqueiro e ela me serviu um delicioso suco de caju que me fez relembrar tantas coisas lindas da minha infância.

 Asseguro que a voz destes versos não é a voz dessa Cindy "crescida" que se sente "segura" e "pouco dependente" de outras pessoas, a voz dessa poesia é a voz de uma outra Cindy. É da garotinha que tinha pesadelos e corria para a cama dos avós no meio da noite. Garotinha que sonhava em ser princesa, escritora, treinadora de dinossauros, jornalista, atriz de teatro, caçadora de relíquias e veterinária. A mesma Cindy que viveu momentos tão difíceis e superou tudo com tanta coragem quando tinha apenas 3, 6, 9 anos de idade.

Acredito que devemos nos permitir ser guiados pela criança que existe em nós quando a vida começa a ficar séria demais. Afinal quem seriamos hoje, se não tivéssemos sido aquela criança um dia? 

Devemos aceitar o passado e aprender com os nossos arrependimentos, lidar com o presente com confiança, e enfrentar o futuro sem medo. Por isso é tão importante pensar nas decisões que estamos tomando e corrigir nosso caminho caso ele esteja nos levando para um destino que não queremos ter. Sei que tudo é possível através da fé em Cristo. Sou muito grata por viver tudo o que acredito.

Isso é tudo, vejo vocês em breve!

Cindy Gomes  


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

When I received my #MissionCall part 2


Here are some pictures of mission call opening

 The Primary Squad

 Friends for a lifetime

With the Souto Family 

 With the Rodrigues Family

 With the Cintra Family including Karol on the iPhone and Rachel Nogueira also on the iPhone

 With the Herculano Brothers

With Lucas Breno, he is an old friend from school times. He served at Colombia.

I love all my friends! It was very special for me share this moment with you guys, thanks for be there!

That's all... Hope you like it!

See you soon!

Cindy Gomes :)

When I received my #MissionCall


At no time the whole family waits so eagerly for the postman with the letter whose sender address: 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. The letter arrives; the suspense is overwhelming; the call is read. Often, the work field is far from home. Whatever the location, however, the response of the prepared and obedient missionary is the same: "I will serve." 

                                                                                               Thomas S. Monson

Since I was a little primary girl I knew someday I would become a missionary. When I was like 8 years old I used to imagine myself wearing a beautiful missionary outfit, my missionary name tag with Sister Gomes written on it and the Salt Lake temple behind me. 

The desire to serve a full-time mission accompanied me throughout my life until the day a turned 19. I felt that serve a mission was the right thing for me to do. Deciding to go on a mission is a very personal process that is different for everyone. There are some who always knew they will go, like me, and some, who never had imagined it.

For me it was easy to decide and I'm thankful for the power of prayer and personal revelation. I know that God hear our sincere pray and He answer our questions.

When I turned 15 I decided to get a Patriarchal Blessing. When I went to talk to my Bishop about it he told me to prepare myself spiritually to hear the eternal promises that my Heavenly Father have in store for me according to my worthiness. This was a really important thing that helped me to know the Lord's will for my life.

My mission call arrived at the Church's office October 1st and it was designated October 8th. Here in Brazil, the mission call packages are sent to Stake President's house and he send it to us. Luckily my Stake President texted me and we met at the chapel like 2 hours after the mail was delivered to him.

I received my mission call on Tuesday October 27th 2015 at 3pm. I waited for almost 5 hours to open it with my family and friends. It was a remarkable night in the story of my life.

Here is the short video of my mission call opening in Portuguese subtitled in English

In the video I was with my father Edson, mother Cintia and brother Kenny Lehi

I will never forget the moment I read that I was going to serve in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission <3 English speaking! 
I always wanted to serve in this exactly mission :)
I know that God really performs the righteous desires of our hearts!

I'm scheduled to report in the Provo MTC in February 23th 2016.

Keep tuned for more of my adventures ;)

See you!

Cindy  :)

soon to be Sister Gomes

About Me

My name is Cindy

I'm 19 years old, I'm Brazilian and I'm a Mormon.

I want to start my first post telling you a little bit about myself. Usually my friends would refer to me as a different girl. Maybe it's because I'm that girl who refuses to change who she is just to fit in, or maybe it's because of my faith or even because of my style. The fact is that I'm just an ordinary girl living an extraordinary life.

 I'm from Fortaleza, a beautiful city in the northeast coast from Brazil. I always liked to travel and meet new people, learn from other cultures and new languages. I'm passionate about life, a citizen of the world, a fashion lover and future mormon missionary.

I finished the high school when I was 16 and I started to study Chemical Engineering at DeVry Brazil University. When I turned 18 I requested my passport and my first international travel was to the United States with my mother. We visited Las Vegas, in Nevada and Salt Lake City, West Jordan, Murray and Riverton, in Utah. One of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world.

At my age, the most part of my school friends were partying every weekend, dating three guys at a time and worried about the college final exams. Of course I like to party, I used to have a boyfriend and for sure I care about my grades, but I know that life is much more. 

My whole life I had this strong feeling that I'm here on earth to do my best, to make the difference.  I always felt this urge to share my happiness with everyone I care about. This is one of the reasons why I decided to serve a mission.

If you want to know more about the members of the church and about our beliefs I recomend you to visit the mormon.org website.
If you want to know more about who am I and my adventures, keep following my blog and check out my Instagram account.

See you soon!

Cindy Gomes :)