At no time the whole family waits so eagerly for the postman with the letter whose sender address: 47 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. The letter arrives; the suspense is overwhelming; the call is read. Often, the work field is far from home. Whatever the location, however, the response of the prepared and obedient missionary is the same: "I will serve."
Thomas S. Monson
Since I was a little primary girl I knew someday I would become a missionary. When I was like 8 years old I used to imagine myself wearing a beautiful missionary outfit, my missionary name tag with Sister Gomes written on it and the Salt Lake temple behind me.
The desire to serve a full-time mission accompanied me throughout my life until the day a turned 19. I felt that serve a mission was the right thing for me to do. Deciding to go on a mission is a very personal process that is different for everyone. There are some who always knew they will go, like me, and some, who never had imagined it.
For me it was easy to decide and I'm thankful for the power of prayer and personal revelation. I know that God hear our sincere pray and He answer our questions.
When I turned 15 I decided to get a Patriarchal Blessing. When I went to talk to my Bishop about it he told me to prepare myself spiritually to hear the eternal promises that my Heavenly Father have in store for me according to my worthiness. This was a really important thing that helped me to know the Lord's will for my life.
My mission call arrived at the Church's office October 1st and it was designated October 8th. Here in Brazil, the mission call packages are sent to Stake President's house and he send it to us. Luckily my Stake President texted me and we met at the chapel like 2 hours after the mail was delivered to him.
I received my mission call on Tuesday October 27th 2015 at 3pm. I waited for almost 5 hours to open it with my family and friends. It was a remarkable night in the story of my life.
Here is the short video of my mission call opening in Portuguese subtitled in English
In the video I was with my father Edson, mother Cintia and brother Kenny Lehi
I will never forget the moment I read that I was going to serve in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission <3 English speaking!
I always wanted to serve in this exactly mission :)
I know that God really performs the righteous desires of our hearts!
I'm scheduled to report in the Provo MTC in February 23th 2016.
Keep tuned for more of my adventures ;)
See you!
Cindy :)
soon to be Sister Gomes
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